Καταπληκτική ιδέα για επένδυση

Αποτελείται απο κομμάτια σκυροδέματος , σε μια μορφή παραπλήσια της τσιμεντοσανίδας ...
βάφεται, κόβεται, προσαρμόζεται ...

Product of the Day: Rieder - Façade Covering Slat Wall:

Thin-walled, slat-sized concrete The panels have a very convenient size (147 x 1800 mm x 13 mm) and can be easily mounted and processed on site - both by professionals and skilled do-it-yourselfers.
Low Maintenance Unlike wooden claddings, Slat Walls needs neither be abraded nor painted at regular intervals. Individual elements can be replaced easily.
Flexible applications Facades, claddings of porches, conservatories, terraces, garden sheds, garages, fences and many more.
High fire resistance Absolute fire resistance, fire protection class A1, non-flammable, safe alternative to traditional wood panelling.


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